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The Lord woke me this morning with a prophetic victory report. When God’s timing begins, the transformation of anything that was previously promised quickly turns from waiting for it to experiencing it. In two unusually tragic years, I watched so many precious people struggling to face the future. Often, because of the uncontrollable and uncertain changes that we all faced for the first time. Nearly every day, there was a different threat against our health, jobs/finances, family survival, and the strange oddity of month-after-month in quarantine. With all of those constant changes, we had to carefully guide our steps to satisfy the local government, schools, airlines, and decisions concerning what we were no longer allowed to do. Thank God we never missed a church service, although some were drive-by prayer, preaching indoors with just my television & sound staff in attendance. God even provided for the finances of Spirit of Truth in unusual and powerful new ways.

The month of August, the 8th month, is destined to begin our new turnarounds, as well as new & exciting restorations, needed due to over two years of losses and changes. Listen, doctors have spoken about the negative effects produced by isolation and the different viruses created on the other side of the world. These have caused heart and lung weaknesses, breathing & respiratory difficulties, as well as anxiety and depressions of many kinds. That is why the Word from God today was so important. He is the God that will restore all the years that the caterpillar, cankerworm, and locust (symbols of a lost harvest) have stolen from our lives. I decree that the future is going to be greater for all of us who inhabit God’s kingdom than we have ever known before.

I declare to you today, exactly what he spoke, “I will remove all the symptoms and feelings that still remain from the past, and I will release you back to life, with added increases.” Beloved, it is exciting to know God’s promises. “Those who know the Lord shall be strong and do exploits!” I know, for myself, that I desperately need to have back all the precious loved ones in my life and ministry that have been detached for way too long. This is the beginning of family & friendship restorations. What is life without family closeness? I boldly request of you to ask largely this month so that your joy may be full. Expect a release from the past as we, together, embrace a brand-new beginning of God Life.

We thank you for your love and support. It truly is needed more than ever before. WE SURE DO NEED YOU AND THANK YOU! I pray God will reveal to you just how much is being accomplished as we labor hand-in-hand, especially in this long-awaited reaping season. Remain faithful and excited, Gods promises have never failed.



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