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We are entering what may be called the most strategic season of our lives and ministry. Everyone seems to be alarmed with questions about our future, our family, our safety, and many are beginning to question the very promises from God. When God gave me the promises in the Prophetic Scroll, I knew that God already had plans that will lead us throughout this constantly changing year. Let me speak what God showed me…

God brought Israel out of 430 years of slavery and bondage. His first major teaching was when He opened the Red Sea, setting 2.5 million free from their oppressors once and for all - remember that water represent the Word of God. Soon thereafter, these same people were confronted with the fact that they had no water to drink. Often this year, the water of the promised word will seem to be far away from us in manifestation. God told Moses to throw a tree into the bitter, poisonous water of Marah. Immediately, the bitter water became sweet. God will never abandon you on your journey to your promised land! I have witnessed phenomenal miracles for over 5 decades. I am still on my earthly journey and, listen, the journey truly gets sweeter every day.

This year there will be seasons of darkness. As with His Israelite travelers, He will cover us with a glory cloud of fire (Anointing) to bring light in every dark situation. In the burning heat of the day, God provided a glory cloud of His presence and cooled the burning sand under their feet every time they stopped to rest (their campground covered land the size of the state of Rhode Island). God will prove to you this year that He is greater than you have ever realized. I must tell you that God has told us that He is going before us. In His presence, we will experience the greatest moves of God of our life experience.

Cathy and I are excited for what we realize will be some new changes and greater soul-winning opportunities for this ministry. We will not disobey one command. He is our source and our daily guide. You may be challenged to make needed changes in your life and calling. Please follow the peace that comes with obedient decisions. I have received a heavy word to declare, “Without the gift of discerning of spirits, many will often be deceived and confused. God never changes His word or His loving commitments. Be careful of the voices you allow to instruct you.” February is considered the LOVE MONTH. I am asking that you allow God to work His love through your life, allowing Him to direct people into your path for you to show an act of love daily this month. This will be a year of blessings, so stay excited and filled with faith for all God’s promises. I know that God will speak all during this year…words that will guide us and direct our pathways to fullness of victories. We love you and we want to stand boldly with you through every situation and challenge you will face. We will have your back and, together, we want to win more souls than ever in my 57 years of ministry. That is our reason to live. We must give God even greater glory.



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