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So often, I am reminded that the Bible tells us to “give thanks in ALL circumstances, for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” The world even recognizes, at least for a season, that it is necessary to be thankful. This has been an extremely busy season for us in God’s Kingdom. Recently, I have been blessed to speak at multiple amazing ministry and worship conferences. The presence of God is getting stronger and more evident as it brings God’s hurting people back home to Him. Our annual Spirit of Truth Ministry Conference was titled “WAKE UP.” I believe our spiritual alarms have gone off and we are awakened to do the work of the Lord with greater excitement and fervency than ever...I AM SO THANKFUL!

Looking forward, we are busily preparing for our annual Appalachian Christmas Outreach. On December 7th, we will drive to Lincoln County, WV with all the supplies that we have been collecting all year and even now. We have invited 600 children from this region to come. We will be taking brand new toys, coats, hats, gloves, shoes, socks, toiletries, and blankets for the children. We also provide complete Christmas dinners for approximately one hundred of the neediest families This month, I am asking everyone who is willing to set aside a special offering for the Appalachian Christmas Outreach. Jesus tells us, “I was hungry and ye fed me, naked and ye clothed me, in prison and ye ministered to me. They said Lord, when did we see you in those awful circumstances? Jesus taught them, whatever you do for the least of these, you are really are doing it to Me.” In the loving way we bless needy and hurting families, it is as if we are doing it directly to our Father, God. Let’s do it with excellence. I want to bless the Lord by blessing His needy children. We have all lived through unfortunate circumstances, so I want to say, “yes” when Jesus asks me to get involved with His needs.

I feel like Spirit of Truth has been blessed to have truly compassionate and caring partners holding tightly to our hands for every outreach…you are faithful. Cathy and I greatly appreciate every sacrifice you make.



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